lauantai 29. kesäkuuta 2019

Verdure with the Arms of Rakonczay Gergely

Origin of the cartoon is a sector of tapestry of Tallinn Town Council, woven 1547 in Enghien. 
Size 110x757 cm.
Woollen yarn, linen warp.
Amount of warps / cm has not been given. In verdures it has been normally 5 warps/cm, but linen warp  is also thicker than Fishermans twine.
I scanned part of the picture of the tapestry and changed Arms of Tallinn in to my own, and added a rabbit in the right corner.
Resolution of the picture is 600 dpi.
I printed it in height of 100 cm, which is 86% from original.
Tapestry does not have small details, so smaller scale should not make difficulties.

Cotton, Fishermans twine, 32 warps per 5 cm.
Totally 640 warps = 1400 meters of twine.

 Fishermans twine is widely used today.
On that moment I did not have linen thread, which is much better for Tapestry weaving.

In original work warping is horisontal.

I am using also horisontal warping which gives me a maximum height of 100 cm, where is also a 5 cm top hem included.


Wool 125 tex x2, Nm 8/2 (pirkkalanka)
I will use a little brighter colours than in the cartoon, since the colours has faded during the centuries.

Phases of work
Cartoon design and printing in Monikko.
2008 January

Work ready
Picture is taken before back linen was sewn place.
2008 September 16

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